Celebrating Pride Month with my Chromatic Dreams Collection

Celebrating Pride Month with my Chromatic Dreams Collection

Lets Show Our Support for LGBTQ+ Communities

At Twisted Ginger Jewelry, my support for LGBTQ+ communities is woven into the fabric of my values—not confined to one month but celebrated daily. June, however, holds a special place in my heart. It's not just about rainbows and parades; it's a time to honor the journey toward inclusion, protection, and equality. This journey has seen its share of struggles, reminiscent of any minority community rising to fight for their rightful place in the world.

One of the most heartrending realities is the alarmingly high rate of teen suicides within the LGBTQ+ community—tragically preventable with our love, support, and acceptance. No child should ever feel ostracized, neglected, or shamed for being who they are. Yet, heartbreakingly, many still do.

An alarming memory from my childhood still lingers in my mind. Walking home from middle school with a dear friend who happened to be gay, we were suddenly ambushed. Rocks were thrown at him, not me, despite standing beside him. As he fled in terror, their screams filled the air with hateful slurs, making it painfully clear why they targeted him. He was just a seventh grader—a young boy running home, terrified, because of his sexual orientation.

We must break this cycle. We must show up for our young queer community, proving each and every one of us is loved and accepted for who we are. Others may not follow our envisioned paths, but they are their lives to live, just as we live ours.

When There is Rain, Seek Out the Rainbows! 

There are so many beautiful foundations to support. After thoughtful consideration, I'll donate a portion of this month's Mini Collection proceeds to EncircleTogether.org, a remarkable program empowering LGBTQ+ youth and families. Encircle builds safe havens across the country where queer youth can access essential mental health services, foster positive well-being through authenticity, and nurture healthy social connections through art, music, and community.

Encircle's mission is one close to my heart. They create spaces where LGBTQ+ youth are safe and encouraged to flourish as their true, authentic selves. Their approach to fostering well-being through creative outlets like art and music resonates deeply with the values of Twisted Ginger Jewelry. The environment they provide allows young people to connect, heal, and express themselves freely—a mission I am proud to support.

Discover more ways to support this incredible program and its mission by clicking on this link >>  EncircleTogether.org

Chromatic Dreams Collection

Launching June 29th!

Step into a world where colors dance, and dreams come to life with my Chromatic Dreams Collection. Each piece in this vibrant series embodies the essence of a rainbow, capturing the full spectrum of emotions and experiences that make us uniquely human. From the deep reds of Rosarita to the glowing greens of Gaspeite, from opulent Opalized Wood to jubilant Jaspers, and the soft hues of Amethysts, these earrings celebrate the beauty of diversity and the magic that happens when different hues come together in harmony.

Crafted with care and, as always, a touch of whimsy, I'll be setting these stones in silver ready to dangle from your lobes! This limited time collection invites you to adorn yourself with the brilliance of a thousand dreams. Each pair of earrings is more than just an accessory; it's a statement of love, acceptance, and the courage to be your true self. Let these jewels remind you of the beauty in every shade of life and the dreams that color our world.

Want First Dibs on These Juicy Stone Pieces? 

Become part of the Twisted Ginger VIP Family and enjoy exclusive first access to my Monthly Mini Collections. Sign up now to secure your early shopping pass! >> Join the VIP Family today! 

Bonus: You'll receive a free Gemstone Guide just for signing up! 


Let the rainbows of June remind us to do more than just fly our flags. Let us unite in steadfast support of inclusion, making a meaningful impact on the lives of LGBTQ+ youth. Together, we can create a world where everyone can shine in their true colors.